Monday, April 10, 2017

DB2 Q Replication it made me stuck for more than a month

DB2 Q Replication it made me stuck for more than a month

Im back with fresh concepts and ideas in my mind, those were the things that made me stuck with issues for at least more than a month and was not able to blog anything until i learnt something practical out of it myself. So what is that interesting topic in DB2?

DB2 Q Replication and Event Publishing.

Since the time i started working on replication it made me so interested that i wanted to implement and see how it works.

DB2 Q Replication captures the changed data from source and send committed transactions as messages using a messaging system called IBM WebSphere Message Queues to the target.

Changes that happen at source are captured by Capture program by reading DB2 recovery logs and put them as messages on the WebSphere message queues where the apply program resides at target reads messages from queues and write back changes to respective targets. below figure explains it.

Im my next post i will give the implementation of DB2 Q replication between two DB2 databases.

download more info

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